Message from Local President Adam Reisz:
December 2024
Greetings Brothers and Sisters,
As the end of the year approaches, take a moment to celebrate the many achievements
each of you has accomplished professionally and personally. Recognize the challenges
you have overcome and the work within yourself that you may feel still needs attention.
Recognizing professional growth comes in many ways, consider joining one of the Studio
Mechanics’ many committees to help shape the direction of our union through your
participation. Active members share the common trait that our union is a priority in their
lives. Take the step to protect your career and make a difference through solidarity.
With New Year around the corner, these questions will help shape my efforts next year both
professionally and personally. What did I learn this year? What do I need to learn for next
year? And what do I need to unlearn overall? Develop your own motivation to be relevant in
an ever-changing professional environment. There are many technical and political
challenges we will face in the Entertainment Industry next year. Protect your way of life
through active participation in the Missouri Studio Mechanics. Your support to maintain the
standards of employment will make a difference. Attend meetings and join a committee.
The Studio Mechanics are always seeking new, qualified members across our membership
opportunities. Stay current through some of the training opportunities available through
Linked In Learning and AVIXA. Call in your jobs and recommend your Brothers and Sisters
for work first, before offering a nonmember’s name.
Have a healthy, happy, and prosperous holiday season and New Year!!
In Solidarity,
Adam Reisz
President, IATSE Local 493
Missouri Studio Mechanics
Greetings Brothers and Sisters,
I am late in thanking each of you for trusting me with the role of President of the Studio
Mechanics for the State of Missouri. My delay has not interfered with taking on the role
and responsibilities of the position. It has slowed the opening of a clear communication
channel between each of you and me. Reach out, I will respond.
Please take a moment to thank Dave Kube, Past President, for his years of service as
in which our membership grew during difficult times. His leadership helped navigate our
growth through a strike, Covid and no tax incentive. Outstanding achievements in
adverse conditions.
For those of you who do not know me, I have freelanced for over 38 years with 35 of
them in Missouri. My experiences have spanned the transition from Film to Digital with
work performed primarily in the Grip, Lighting and Sound departments. I am also Vice
President of IATSE 143 Audio Visual Technicians/Projectionists.
The Studio Mechanics are always seeking new, qualified members across our
membership opportunities. The MO Film Tax Incentive will create opportunities for our
union to occupy jurisdictions we protect. Encourage membership, it benefits all of us.
With the busy schedules that we all have with family and work, try to be an active union
member by attending meetings in person or virtually, by staying current through some of
the training opportunities available through Linked In Learning and AVIXA, by calling in
your jobs and most importantly by recommending your Brothers and Sisters for work
first, before offering a nonmember’s name.
In Solidarity,
Adam Reisz